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MindfulKids@Play: Let's Talk About Boredom!

10am till 11am @ The Organic Dynamic Bakery, Mechelsesteenweg 78, Antwerp (upstairs)



A dynamic workshop which lets children explore their creativity, curiosity and inquisitive

side. While parents can explore their inner child and observe how their child interacts to

themes such as mindfulness, meditation and philosophy.


With the summer holidays about to start soon, we are going to focus on boredom…which is

a popular word during the holidays with the kids not knowing what to do with all that free

time! Countless studies have shown that we are more creative when we’re bored but gadgets

are making it difficult to even reach the point where boredom and creativity meet.


In this workshop, children will learn that boredom is an important life skill, when it comes to

feeding the imagination, and be more willing to give boredom a try. While parents will find ways to manage their kid's boredom in a more manageable and less stressful way.


The workshop includes some active moment, mindful games, creativity, meditation and story-telling through philosophy. With guest teacher from Kids do Philosophy.

Suitable for children aged from 5 upwards. Bringing fun, laughter and inspiration but above all…nurturing confidence, self-esteem, focus, concentration and attention spans. 

Investment is 10 euros (for 1 parent and 1 child). A second child is free while an additional parent is 5 euros. 
Reserve your place by emailing;

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