The schedule
Mums will be able to relax in the mornings with yoga while the kids are entertained with activities - there will be a mix of yoga, arts and crafts, dancing, drama and even forest school. In the afternoons we will organise everyone going out for local sight-seeing. For those who want to, there will be horse-riding. In the evenings there will also be yoga for Mum's and, every other evening belly dancing, while the kids have their bedtime story and wind-down time. Extra childcare can also be arranged for an additional rate per hour if Mum's need extra relaxation time.
Find out more about the venue and what to do in the area.
Languages The retreat will be in English but there are teachers and assistants who also speak Dutch, Swedish and Spanish so an opportunity for children to learn a little from other languages.
How to get there a mini-bus or taxi can be arranged from Amsterdam airport or there is a train from Schiphol airport to Purmerend which takes 31 minutes and is 8 euros. From there a taxi can also bring you to the retreat for around 15 euros.
Note: The retreat price covers accommodation, all meals, yoga and activities at the venue. Additional cost will be your travel and sight-seeing activities (we will let you know the cost for outside activities prior to the retreat). Also, we recommend that children be of 5 years or over due to safety reasons.